Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Insight of the Day

"The mind can't take you where your heart longs to go"

Debbie Ford
Speaker and Author of
Why Good People Do Bad Things

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Insight of The Day

"People think I'm disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion. There is a great difference."

Luciano Pavarotti
1935-2007 Opera Singer

Saturday, April 12, 2008

About Dreams

"All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them."

Walt Disney
1901-1966, Cartoon Artist and Producer

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Life Success

"One of the lessons I've learned is that the quality of the answers that we get in life is truly determined by the quality of the questions we ask."

Paul Martinelli
Speaker and President of LifeSuccess Consulting

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


How would you like to come over to my house for dinner? I'm serious.

How would like to sit in my living room and have me brainstorm with you on how you can create great wealth?

Does that appeal to you... seriously, would you like to do that? I would like you to and I want you to listen up and listen carefully because I'm going to show you exactly how you and I can spend time together.... but you have to be ready.

Hello and welcome. This is Bob Proctor with your Monday Insight Lesson for the week.

A number of very special events have taken place in my life in the last few months that have led me to want to share with you a personal story... the story is about me... about a critical moment in my life... where and when my entire world changed.

A lot of us believe that a change in a personal life takes a long time. What I'm going to tell you will help you understand that it is actually a matter of moments that caused my life to shift. And I can assure you that it will probably be a moment that will cause your life to shift. This, in fact, could be that very moment.

I was unhappy, sick and broke when I picked up Think and Grow Rich back in 1961. And in the preface of the book, Napoleon Hill said there's a secret in this book and if you can find the Secret.... you can have anything you seriously want... at that time, all I wanted was some money.

I wanted to pay debts. I would receive calls daily about the money I owed. I didn't care about saving it; all I wanted was to just get those people off my back. I wanted $25K and I set a goal to get it in 10 years. You know, I really didn't believe it. But in an ACTION moment I did what the book said. I wrote it on a card and carried it with me everywhere. I read it frequently every day.

That caused me to start to think differently and stop thinking of "debt." Because I started to think about wealth, I started to hear people talk about it. I was prepared to do anything honest to earn money. Someone said there was good money in cleaning floors. I thought "I'm not proud, I'll start cleaning floors." I borrowed some money to get a few mops, a cleaning machine and I began to look for offices to clean.

Pretty soon I was earning an extra $100 a month, and then it was $500, then $1000, then $2000. I mistakenly thought the answer to becoming wealthy for me was to clean more offices. Up to that point I was working myself to exhaustion. Then a WAKE-UP MOMENT... I passed out on the street. When I regained consciousness, there was a crowd of people around. A police officer was there along with an ambulance attendant. They must have thought I had died. They wanted to take me to the hospital. I convinced them otherwise but I knew something was wrong.

I found a quiet place to relax and think. A REFLECTIVE MOMENT. A voice in my head said, "If you can't clean all of the offices Bob, then don't clean any of them." I got other people to clean them for me. In a relatively short period of time, I was cleaning offices in Toronto , Montreal , Boston , Cleveland , Atlanta and London England .

Needless to say the money began flowing. Although I left that business many years ago, the concept of multiplying an income has stayed with me. You MUST have Multiple Sources of Income (MSIs). You need to be in an environment that's conducive to Multiple Sources of Income (MSIs) and I've created such an environment and I'm excited to share this new creation with you today on this Monday lesson. And if you GET IT, you will understand it certainly is a powerful lesson.

You see the lesson I learned that day when I passed out on the street helped me to earn millions of dollars and will do the same for you if you see the genius in the idea you are about to be introduced to - it's called the Chairman's Club. www.lifesuccesschairmansclub.com

You might want to know why I called it the CHAIRMAN'S CLUB. Every Chairman has MSIs. They are also part of an environment that continually breeds new sources of income. If you have a desire to live the way a Chairman lives, do the things they do, earn what they earn. You are going to love my latest creation and it can definitely have the potential to earn millions of dollars for its members. Other members will be helping you just as you will be helping them. A famous author, Debbie Ford recently said, "People that help people live in a different world." Debbie Ford is right.

The Chairman's Club isn't a fantasy... it's a reality. Given all the press about economic uncertainty and the shifts in wealth creation, the CHAIRMAN'S CLUB could not come at a more opportune time.

And of all the lessons I've recorded here on Insights, I would have to say that this one has the greatest potential of all of the lessons I taught here. It's certainly one of the most valuable I have ever learned.

I know you are starting to get interested in this idea. I'm sure you can see that the idea that had such an impact on my life can also alter yours. There's nothing like this on the market, heck, I even will invite you to my house for dinner... I have a complete explanation on how the Chairman's Club operates. Go immediately to www.lifesuccesschairmansclub.com and put your email address in there and I will send you everything you need to know. This is a DIRECTIVE MOMENT. I'm giving you a directive so we can enjoy a better, more dynamic, more creative future and we will be doing it together.

Membership in this exclusive club starts off with just 49 other people... just 49. My business partner and I spend an entire day with you helping you develop an MSI-consciousness. They will be moments you will never forget. Then to create even more memorable moments, I invite you to my home for dinner and socializing... creating even more moments you will never forget.

We've already done this once; the first 50 people came from Germany , USA , Canada , Singapore , UK , Australia and other parts from around the globe. They were blown away. As you become a chairman in this club, you will discover that we have a system that allows you to progress at the speed of light. This is the age of the Internet. We move at that speed. The speed where things happen in an instant - where wealth is created in moments - not lifetimes.

It might be as simple as a conversation with 2 or 3 people in my study, looking at the various books in my library. Or maybe it's when I pull one of those books off the shelf and give you an impromptu lesson on what I have learned from that book and how you can apply it. It's making a Learning Moment.

It could be a Connection Moment. Maybe while eating a scrumptious dinner in my dining room, you turn to the person next to you and find out that they have the exact solution or precise contact to alter the entire course of your life.

You've got to find out about this - just go right now to: www.lifesuccesschairmansclub.com


Bob Proctor