Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Insight of The Day

"Select a few people to be particularly kind to today - those you were a little harsh with yesterday."
Norman Vincent Peale
1898-1993, Author and Speaker

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mental Prisons

Some time ago I did a show on Habits. They play an important role in your life. Like many aspects of your life, habits can be considered both a blessing and a curse. Robert Russell in his magnificent little book "You Try It" wrote that habit was God's way of making good automatic in your life.

I had a wonderful friend in Atlanta, the late Dr. Jay Dishman, who wrote an excellent article about habit in his monthly newsletter dated February 1985. I have shared Dr. Dishman's article with thousands of people around the world. Today I want to share it with you. Here goes!

"Recently I visited Alcatraz Prison. Once it housed the most hardened of criminals. Today it is open to tourists under the direction of the United States Parks Department. Many men have tried to escape Alcatraz; no one is known to have succeeded. As I listened to the tour guide explain the impossibility of escape, I thought of other prisons equally confining but where the doors are never locked, no guards walk the halls, and escape is encouraged and possible. That prison is Habit."

Our habit is thinking about ourselves and our environment as a jail or a paradise. We need but to look around us to see people who are rich emotionally and materially because they think and feel rich. We also see people who are laden with emotional and material debt because they think lack. Some are inspired with vision, others are encumbered with doubt. Some are moved by ambition, others feel safer in monotony. Some reach for the mountain tops, others huddle in the pits. Some seek opportunity, others wait for it to knock. The sad fact is that more people are confined by their thoughts than are fed by them.

Negative thinking shuts us in a prison, but there is a way out. The apostle Paul said, "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind." Paul knew a lot about prisons, both physical and mental. You renew your life by renewing your mind. You renew your mind when you change your habit of thinking.

Dr. Jay Dishman helped thousands change their habit of thinking in his lifetime. Now hopefully he has helped you.

Bob Proctor

Friday, June 27, 2008


Accurate analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure, disclosed the fact that lack of decision was near the head of the list of the 30 major causes of failure. This is no mere statement of a theory - it is a fact.

Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every man must conquer.

You will have an opportunity to test your capacity to reach quick and definite decisions when you finish reading this lesson, and are ready to begin putting into action the principles which it describes.

Analysis of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes well beyond the million dollar mark, disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of reaching decisions promptly, and of changing these decisions slowly, if, and when they were changed. People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, if at all, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.

The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs, are, generally, easily influenced by the "opinions" of others. They permit the newspapers and the "gossiping" neighbors to do their "thinking" for them. "Opinions" are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by "opinions" when you reach decisions, you will not succeed in any undertaking, much less in that of transmuting your own desire into money.

If you are influenced by the opinions of others, you will have no desire of your own.

Napoleon Hill
From Think and Grow Rich

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Father's Day Story

We all have defining moments which forever alter our lives by shifting our thoughts, feelings and actions in a new direction. Sometimes those moments look like natural disasters! Eventually, though, we see that everything took place in perfect harmony with the Law of Attraction.

My life was on a pretty comfortable track in my early and mid-20's. I was cruising along in that in-between world of no longer being the high school jock or college kid, but not yet ready to be a full-fledged grown up, either. That's not to say I didn't have an idea of what I wanted. I had a nice, neat little plan to first earn a sizable amount of money with a business from home, then get married, then have kids. More than anything, I always wanted to be a stay-at-home, entrepreneurial dad so I could be an active part of the lives of my children. but I was in no hurry. I mean - after all - why rush?

And then. Ka-pow! In January 2005 I got a wake-up call . my girlfriend, Jen, was pregnant. I couldn't believe it was happening. I was stunned and reacted, in a word, badly. I just wasn't ready and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt totally powerless.

The months progressed quickly and, in the early morning hours of August 22, 2005, I drove Jen to the hospital and had the privilege of watching my son, Dylan, enter the world. I kept thinking, "Wow - I'm a Dad!" And yet, I was still scared and worried. "I need more time to prepare for this!" I thought. It wasn't going according to plan. Or was it?

During the first year of being a father I built a very special bond with my son, but the relationship between Jen and I ended and I began asking myself what was I going to do so I could be fully involved in my son's life? For the next few months, we worked it out . making decisions and sharing caregiver roles on a pretty friendly basis.

Then the time came to formalize our co-parenting agreement through a court of law and that was the next big wake-up call as I was drawn into a legal system that dictates how much time aparent can or cannot spend time with his or her child. In a case like ours, in which the mother and father were never married, there were huge hurdles to jump over in order to establish my rights as a Dad.

It became painfully evident that the legal system is not overly friendly to single dads. Rather than engage in the legal rhetoric and offense/defense games, I followed some very good advice and quietly affirmed over and over again gratitude that my son has such a good and loving mother. Being grateful was the key.

I soon discovered how perfectly - and quickly - the Law of Attraction responds to what we put out. Whenever I found myself focusing on the negative aspects of the situation, I would attract more of it. When I focused on the good, I attracted more of it.

In the midst of it all, a huge life-defining moment occurred when Bob Proctor invited me to drive him to the airport for his return flight from Phoenix to Toronto. During the next two hours, Bob challenged me from every angle . he questioned my goals and aspirations and what I said I wanted. Most of all, he challenged me to be honest with myself about what I'm willing to do in order to have the life I want as an entrepreneurial stay-at-home dad fully engaged in the day-to-day raising of my son.

His powerful advice that day helped me to crystallize and hold the image of what I really wanted and to think truth despite present circumstances or events.

Today, with all that behind us, we share 50/50 custody in a true spirit of harmony. I enjoy quality "daddy time" with my little guy - and, what's more, I can feel great knowing that my time with him doesn't limit or violate Jen's rights in any way. It truly is a win-win scenario for all of us - and most especially for our son.

We learned that even when the most unexpected events rock our world, none of us need be a victim of circumstance. We have the ability to choose our thoughts, words and actions in every situation. And that is what ultimately determines the outcome - so long as we hold true to the image of what we want without violating the rights of others.

I know very well how blessed I am to be an entrepreneur, working from home and spending time with my son, just as I had visualized from the start. The Law of Attraction brought all this about with one stroke - with the "untimely" conception of a beautiful boy between two young people who each had much to learn and much to gain - from an experience that might otherwise appear on the surface to have been a disaster.

By embracing it as a gift of love and of learning - we are all growing and enjoying life with this beautiful little boy we call The Love Man - Dylan Paul Gates.

Happy Father's Day to everyone - Dads and Moms alike!

D.P. Gates

D.P. Gates lives in Scottsdale, Arizona and enjoys working in a great business from home. Feel free to email him your comments on this story to: dp@dpgates.com

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Law of Compensation

Crowd out all inferior thoughts by superior thoughts, evil thoughts by good thoughts, ugly thoughts by beautiful thoughts, distressing thoughts by pleasant thoughts, and you will begin to overcome the growth of all negative and confused states of wrong and discord. In other words, learn to think constructively of all persons, all things, all events, and all circumstances. Appraise them from the ideal point of view. As you do this you will gradually transform your whole existence for the better. These are the means whereby you may steadily promote your welfare and advancement.

As you train yourself to mentally look for the good, you will move towards the good; and, as you form higher and larger conceptions of the good, these elements will begin to find expression in your words, acts, character, person, talents, powers, attainments, and achievements; that is, all things in your life will commence to improve as the direct result of your improved thinking.

This process does not imply, however, that you are to ignore the wrongs of life, the empty places, and the undeveloped states of being; but that you are to think right through and beyond them towards the hidden good or the principle within that is ever seeking a higher and fuller expression. You will, therefore, cease to condemn and to criticize in a destructive manner; instead you will seek to bring out the good in yourself and in others, and to discover and develop the greater possibilities everywhere.

Raymond Holliwell

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Will Rogers' Secret

A magic way to win more friendships that no one can resist; even hardened criminals can be won over this way.

"I never met a man I did not like," said Will Rogers. Many people thought this was just another funny Rogers' remark, but one time when I met him with Amon Carter, of Fort Worth, I asked him, "Surely you can't like everybody?"

I knew he must meet bores, cheats, four-flushers just like the rest of us do. How can he possibly like even them?

Will was famous as a funnyman; but he was also a wise philosopher and he could be most serious when he wanted.

"Of course I don't approve of all the things that people do," he said, "but there is some goodness and some cussedness in all of us."

He continued, "If you know a man well enough you can always find something good in him and you can always find something interesting about him. It is just a matter of what you are looking for!"

"But what about the narrow-minded people? What about gossips? The people who do petty, mean little things? Do you like them, too?" I persisted.

"I once read somewhere," he said, "where someone asked Abe Lincoln that same question - why he refused to get mad at the people who abused him, ridiculed him and tried to discredit him."

"Lincoln replied that people's actions spring from their character and that many factors beyond their control went into making up their character - where they were born, the people they had associated with, and a lot of other things."

"Therefore,' said Lincoln, 'you shouldn't become angry with a person who blocks your path any more than you would with a tree which the wind blew across the road.'"

Will Rogers had no more reason for hating a person who happened to have been unfortunate enough to have acquired a habit of gossip than he did for hating a person who was foolish enough to neglect his teeth.

He didn't like gossip. Few people do; and he didn't like pettiness. He looked upon them as foolish behavior rather than evil behavior.

I am convinced that Will Rogers really did like every person he ever met.

There is an interesting thing about liking people, and that is they in turn like you. If you must start a rumor about somebody start it by saying, "I sure like that person."

This gets back to them and they say, "Well, I always liked him, too."

Another funny thing about gossip is that if they tell you things about others, you can just bet they will tell others things about you.

While there is always a temptation to listen to gossip, just remember while you are on the listening end this time with this gossiper, the next time you will be on the receiving end when the gossiper gets elsewhere.

Beware of the Gossip!

Avoid the company of the gossip. Don't give them a chance to be with you, find something out about you, then carry that story into another circle.

I am convinced that this trait of his character was largely responsible for Will Rogers being the most universally liked person I have ever heard about.

Will Rogers liked everybody and everybody liked Will Rogers!

Elmer Wheeler
From How to Sell Yourself to Others

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Insight of the Day

"The mind can't take you where your heart longs to go"

Debbie Ford
Speaker and Author of
Why Good People Do Bad Things

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Insight of The Day

"People think I'm disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion. There is a great difference."

Luciano Pavarotti
1935-2007 Opera Singer

Saturday, April 12, 2008

About Dreams

"All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them."

Walt Disney
1901-1966, Cartoon Artist and Producer

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Life Success

"One of the lessons I've learned is that the quality of the answers that we get in life is truly determined by the quality of the questions we ask."

Paul Martinelli
Speaker and President of LifeSuccess Consulting

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


How would you like to come over to my house for dinner? I'm serious.

How would like to sit in my living room and have me brainstorm with you on how you can create great wealth?

Does that appeal to you... seriously, would you like to do that? I would like you to and I want you to listen up and listen carefully because I'm going to show you exactly how you and I can spend time together.... but you have to be ready.

Hello and welcome. This is Bob Proctor with your Monday Insight Lesson for the week.

A number of very special events have taken place in my life in the last few months that have led me to want to share with you a personal story... the story is about me... about a critical moment in my life... where and when my entire world changed.

A lot of us believe that a change in a personal life takes a long time. What I'm going to tell you will help you understand that it is actually a matter of moments that caused my life to shift. And I can assure you that it will probably be a moment that will cause your life to shift. This, in fact, could be that very moment.

I was unhappy, sick and broke when I picked up Think and Grow Rich back in 1961. And in the preface of the book, Napoleon Hill said there's a secret in this book and if you can find the Secret.... you can have anything you seriously want... at that time, all I wanted was some money.

I wanted to pay debts. I would receive calls daily about the money I owed. I didn't care about saving it; all I wanted was to just get those people off my back. I wanted $25K and I set a goal to get it in 10 years. You know, I really didn't believe it. But in an ACTION moment I did what the book said. I wrote it on a card and carried it with me everywhere. I read it frequently every day.

That caused me to start to think differently and stop thinking of "debt." Because I started to think about wealth, I started to hear people talk about it. I was prepared to do anything honest to earn money. Someone said there was good money in cleaning floors. I thought "I'm not proud, I'll start cleaning floors." I borrowed some money to get a few mops, a cleaning machine and I began to look for offices to clean.

Pretty soon I was earning an extra $100 a month, and then it was $500, then $1000, then $2000. I mistakenly thought the answer to becoming wealthy for me was to clean more offices. Up to that point I was working myself to exhaustion. Then a WAKE-UP MOMENT... I passed out on the street. When I regained consciousness, there was a crowd of people around. A police officer was there along with an ambulance attendant. They must have thought I had died. They wanted to take me to the hospital. I convinced them otherwise but I knew something was wrong.

I found a quiet place to relax and think. A REFLECTIVE MOMENT. A voice in my head said, "If you can't clean all of the offices Bob, then don't clean any of them." I got other people to clean them for me. In a relatively short period of time, I was cleaning offices in Toronto , Montreal , Boston , Cleveland , Atlanta and London England .

Needless to say the money began flowing. Although I left that business many years ago, the concept of multiplying an income has stayed with me. You MUST have Multiple Sources of Income (MSIs). You need to be in an environment that's conducive to Multiple Sources of Income (MSIs) and I've created such an environment and I'm excited to share this new creation with you today on this Monday lesson. And if you GET IT, you will understand it certainly is a powerful lesson.

You see the lesson I learned that day when I passed out on the street helped me to earn millions of dollars and will do the same for you if you see the genius in the idea you are about to be introduced to - it's called the Chairman's Club. www.lifesuccesschairmansclub.com

You might want to know why I called it the CHAIRMAN'S CLUB. Every Chairman has MSIs. They are also part of an environment that continually breeds new sources of income. If you have a desire to live the way a Chairman lives, do the things they do, earn what they earn. You are going to love my latest creation and it can definitely have the potential to earn millions of dollars for its members. Other members will be helping you just as you will be helping them. A famous author, Debbie Ford recently said, "People that help people live in a different world." Debbie Ford is right.

The Chairman's Club isn't a fantasy... it's a reality. Given all the press about economic uncertainty and the shifts in wealth creation, the CHAIRMAN'S CLUB could not come at a more opportune time.

And of all the lessons I've recorded here on Insights, I would have to say that this one has the greatest potential of all of the lessons I taught here. It's certainly one of the most valuable I have ever learned.

I know you are starting to get interested in this idea. I'm sure you can see that the idea that had such an impact on my life can also alter yours. There's nothing like this on the market, heck, I even will invite you to my house for dinner... I have a complete explanation on how the Chairman's Club operates. Go immediately to www.lifesuccesschairmansclub.com and put your email address in there and I will send you everything you need to know. This is a DIRECTIVE MOMENT. I'm giving you a directive so we can enjoy a better, more dynamic, more creative future and we will be doing it together.

Membership in this exclusive club starts off with just 49 other people... just 49. My business partner and I spend an entire day with you helping you develop an MSI-consciousness. They will be moments you will never forget. Then to create even more memorable moments, I invite you to my home for dinner and socializing... creating even more moments you will never forget.

We've already done this once; the first 50 people came from Germany , USA , Canada , Singapore , UK , Australia and other parts from around the globe. They were blown away. As you become a chairman in this club, you will discover that we have a system that allows you to progress at the speed of light. This is the age of the Internet. We move at that speed. The speed where things happen in an instant - where wealth is created in moments - not lifetimes.

It might be as simple as a conversation with 2 or 3 people in my study, looking at the various books in my library. Or maybe it's when I pull one of those books off the shelf and give you an impromptu lesson on what I have learned from that book and how you can apply it. It's making a Learning Moment.

It could be a Connection Moment. Maybe while eating a scrumptious dinner in my dining room, you turn to the person next to you and find out that they have the exact solution or precise contact to alter the entire course of your life.

You've got to find out about this - just go right now to: www.lifesuccesschairmansclub.com


Bob Proctor

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Think and Grow Rich

"There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge; both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought."

Napoleon Hill
From Think and Grow Rich
Go to: www.lifesuccesschairmansclub.com

Monday, March 17, 2008

Making The Best Of A Bad Situation

As long as I can remember, there have been two things, other than our children, that my husband has had a deep passion for; golf and flying. As a young 18 year old, I can remember our first date-a blind date I might add, in which, Steve was going to college full time, fueling airplanes after classes and working on his flight hours at night-this was his passion, his vision and his future and he had set out on a course to graduate from college, become a major airline pilot, and hopefully someday own his own company as well.

Within a matter of years, Steve became an airline pilot with United Airlines, I graduated with a Masters degree in Communication/Journalism and we lived the "American Dream." Great house, beautiful children, money in the bank and the love and support of wonderful friends and family-until that day.

Arriving home from a three day trip on September 10, 2001, Steve walked into the random chaos of our home. With a two year old and three and a half year old, toys were always scattered everywhere, nothing was ever organized and sleep was a luxury, not a need. However, the sound of little feet running to greet him after each trip and a wife with a big smile on her face because she had a little bit of relief for the next 24 hours was what it was all about during that time. All in all, life was good, dinner was done, kids were bathed and Steve, who had been doing Boston-San Francisco trips all month, was home for 24 hours before flying to Chile for three days and then home for about a week-a week in which would include spending time with the kids and possibly a round of golf. Of course, his time on the course was not the same as it had been prior to kids-it was like sleep, a true luxury.

The next morning, our lives, as those of every American, were forever changed. In route to the store, Steve called, "come home, United has lost a plane in route to San Francisco." The tone in his voice was one in which I will never forget. "This is your route and your airplane," I remember screaming as we watched the horrific news that day. It had been speculated and later confirmed, that the terrorists had been in and out of the Boston airport, possibly on one of Steve's flights the past week as a test run. As the phone rang with people calling to see if Steve was home, we cried and knew the worst was yet to come.

And boy did it come. It was apparent, that Steve could be laid off at anytime. By Christmas time, most of the lay-offs had happened on the pilot end of the company, and Steve was one of the lucky ones-but a 50% pay cut happened right before the holidays. But who were we to complain, Steve was alive and had a job.

We decided that if any opportunities came up for me to go back to work, we should seriously consider it. So in the winter of 2002, I began to contact my previous group of co-workers and business associates and Steve and I decided to join up with some of my fellow co-workers from the "pre-kid" days and start a series of community lifestyle magazines-Lifestyle Publications. The magazines focused on people making a difference in the community. By year 3, we were mailing out over a 100,000 magazines a month and were purchased by a large publishing group, due to an offer we could not refuse. Steve continued to fly and I was happy as a stay at home mom to three wonderful children, active in their school and loving life once again.

About the time when you begin to get really comfortable in your daily routine, inevitably life throws you a curve ball to see how you are going to handle it and once again, we had another one hit us.

18 months ago, Steve came home from an international flight with a stiff back, through some misdiagnosis and mistreatment, he suffered a ruptured disk within days, and within a matter of three months underwent 2 surgeries, 3 epidurals, countless pain pills and was told he could not play golf or fly an airplane for at least a year, possibly two. But then, as it has done throughout our lives, The LAW OF POSITIVE ATTRACTION kicked in again, just like it did after 9/11-Steve took this injury as an opportunity. An opportunity to begin to publish his dream magazine, one in which he had put on paper over 4 years prior-but with flying, the Lifestyle magazines and 3 kids-there was no time-until now.

Along this uncertain road, and at times tragic events that have occurred in our life, the determination to succeed, and the faith in God, our personal strengths, the unbelievable support of family and the positive people that we have met, we have risked it all once again and believe that the Law of Attraction has already delivered to us and will continue to deliver to us because we ask for the success every single day.

So here we are today-a year under our belt with Golf Fitness Magazine, a magazine that teaches you how to play your best golf by improving your body and mind. The magazine continues to grow and grow and grow- The people that we have met and the lessons we continue to learn, once again make this "extreme risk" an experience we would not ever give back.

We now live with the attitude that this will be the biggest and best Golf magazine in the country and that Golf Fitness Magazine can offer something for everyone.

In addition, Steve has been given the green light to go back flying and to play golf, and his vision since age 18, is now forever a reality.

Kristi Gomen

A year ago Kristi and her husband Steve founded Golf Fitness Magazine to fill a void in the market place. They understand the importance of making a positive impact in the lives of others. To send Kristi your thoughts on this story email her at: Kristi@golffitness-magazine.com and to support their great magazine please go to: www.golffitnessmagazine.com/subscribe

Insight of the Day

"I will waste not even a precious second today in anger or hate or jealousy or selfishness. I know that the seeds I sow I will harvest, because every action, good or bad, is always followed by an equal reaction. I will plant only good seeds this day."

Og Mandino
1923-1996, Author and Speaker

Can You Recognize A Hoarder?

­­­­­It is easy to spot businesspeople who follow the Rule of Gold. They are often very good at selling but very weak in customer service. Their products are made as cheaply as they possibly can be. They don't honor their refunds - or they just barely honor them - and they pride themselves on creating profits by cutting costs.

If you could hear these entrepreneurs talking privately about their customers, you would think: "Gee, I'm glad I'm not buying from them. They see customers as either suckers or enemies. When they make speeches - even public speeches - they speak about business as if it were a battlefield."

Business should not be like war. It should be like love, like loving your neighbor.

Remember, most of your profits will come from back-end sales, which means that the easiest way to grow your company is to develop good, long-term relationships with your customers and produce really good products for them.

Michael Masterson
From Ready, Fire, Aim

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome."

William James
1842-1910, Psychologist, Professor and Author

Insight of the Day

"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true."

Richard Bach

Now You Can Enjoy Yourself Every Day

People are often puzzled by the idea of making life more enjoyable by changing their viewpoints. Let's examine it:

Suppose you are not feeling well one day, yet you accompany some friends on a leisurely drive through the beautiful countryside. Someone calls your attention to a lovely lake, but because of your illness, you cannot give it your attention or interest. Someone else remarks about a magnificent mountain in the distance, but you hardly hear him. You pass one lovely scene after another, yet they have no meaning to you. Because your illness has taken all your energy, you have none to spare in enjoying yourself. It is the same to your mind as if these natural beauties didn't exist at all. In your present ill state, they have neither existence nor attraction.

But the next day you recover. You feel fine. There is no inward attention to anything; you are outward bound once more. So again you go on a drive; you visit the very same places. But now, everything is completely different. You enjoy the lovely lake and magnificent mountain. You respond to them. You enjoy yourself.

How come? It was the very same scenery both times. But on the second trip you were different. You saw everything in an entirely new way. You had the inner freedom to see and appreciate your outer world. Like magic, your changed mental viewpoint changed the world for you.

It is difficult for people to grasp that the very same principle holds true elsewhere in life. Yet it is absolutely so. When we are inwardly ill at ease we do not really see things as they are; we see them as we are. And there is a world of difference - an actual world of difference - in the two viewpoints.

As we elevate our mental view points we also elevate our world. How is this accomplished? Enjoyment results from discard, not from acquisition. Discard of what? Of the very things we really want to lose - our acquired negative attitudes.

Enjoyment of life is not the presence of something outside ourselves; it is the absence of something within ourselves. Gloom is a state of inner blockage of your True Self; enjoyment is its release. Just as a balloon rises to greater heights by discarding weights, so do we ascend as we toss out negativities.

Vernon Howard
From Psycho-Pictography

Monday, February 25, 2008

Faith, Belief and Knowing

In every great book there are countless stories of men and women who had great purpose and high ideals; they worked toward and reached incredible goals. Time after time these people came up against obstacles or circumstances that would destroy the average person. These people would find themselves in situations that appeared devastating - they might have lost fortunes, loved ones or possibly had to battle some great physical problem but they never appeared to waiver; it seemed as if nothing could stop them.

You very likely can think of a number of people you know personally or know of, who might be Giants when it comes to producing in your industry.

The record of history in sports is filled with great examples.

What made these people Great was their Belief or Faith - it was unshakable. No one and nothing could disturb or destroy their Faith.

It could very easily appear as if some emotional or capricious God has singled out, reached out and touched these individuals and caused them to do such great things.

Everyone, including YOU, has been touched, blessed, endowed with the tools. You must develop a belief or faith based on understanding, just as these people did for themselves. Their faith was not blind, the bind that is easily shattered like fine crystal with the first knock that comes along. Their faith had a strong foundation based on understanding.

These people are often referred to as being in the spirit, and it is not difficult for them to Believe or have Faith, because they KNOW. They know they can do whatever they visualize. They know they are a dynamic, creative being. They choose the vision and they let God do the work, with and through them.

Bob Proctor
To learn more about Bob Proctor's programs go to : www.bobproctor.com

Gary Allen Sledge

"It is difficult to know what counts in the world. Most of us count credits, honor, dollars. But at the bulging center of mid-life, I am beginning to see that the things that really matter take place not in the boardrooms, but in the kitchens of the world."

Gary Allen Sledge

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Words Are Weapons

With four young daughters, 14 and under, I frequently find myself correcting, disciplining, or simply protesting unnecessary and unkind comments certain to anger or wound a sister and evoke counterattacks that fill the air with nastiness.

Hoping to get them to think before they speak in the future, I often ask, "What did you expect to accomplish by that remark?" and "Did it make things better or worse?"

It disappoints and frustrates me that my children are so often unkind to one another and so quick to make foolish comments that have no constructive purpose. Yet it's even more troublesome when adults engage in the same senseless behavior.

It may be a husband's unfiltered remark about his wife's weight or new wrinkles, a parents' comment, "That's why you have no friends" or 'Why can't you be more like your brother?" or an aunt's unwanted advice, "If you want to get married, lose weight."

Sometimes it's the tone or timing of an otherwise proper statement that makes it sting. We have to remember that words are weapons, sometimes weapons of mass destruction.

Verbal assaulters may defend their unguided missiles with claimed innocence: "I didn't mean it that way" when the real question is "How was the remark likely to be received?"

Another lame excuse is "I was just telling the truth" without considering whether that truth needed to be said. Honesty does not preclude tact.

We may not always be able to shield ourselves from the darts and arrows of inconsiderate or mean-spirited folks, but we can resolve to be more thoughtful in our own communications.

We can be more kind more consistently. We can follow the Golden Rule. Remember, character counts.

Michael Josephson


"Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force."

Tom Blandi

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Habit of Going the Extra Mile

An important principle of success in all walks of life and in all occupations is a willingness to GO THE EXTRA MILE; which means the rendering of more and better service than that for which one is paid, and giving it in a positive mental attitude.

Search wherever you will for a single sound argument against this principle, and you will not find it; nor will you find a single instance of enduring success which was not attained in part by its application.

The principle is not the creation of man. It is a part of Nature's handiwork, for it is obvious that every living creature below the intelligence of man is forced to apply the principle in order to survive.

Man may disregard the principle if he chooses, but he cannot do so and at the same time enjoy the fruits of enduring success.

Observe how Nature applies this principle in the production of food that grows from the soil, where the farmer is forced to GO THE EXTRA MILE by clearing the land, plowing it, and planting the seed at the right time of the year, for none of which he receives any pay in advance.

But, observe that if he does his work in harmony with Nature's laws, and performs the necessary amount of labor, Nature takes over the job where the farmer's labor ends, germinates the seed he plants and develops it into a crop of food.

And, observe thoughtfully this significant fact: For every grain of wheat or corn he plants in the soil Nature yields him perhaps a hundred grains, thus enabling him to benefit by the law of increasing returns.

Excerpt from: The Master-Key To Riches by Napoleon Hill

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Magic of Believing

"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."

Claude M. Bristol
1891-1951, Author of The Magic of Believing


The first step toward getting rich is to convey the idea of your wants to the formless substance.

This is true, and you will see that in order to do so it becomes necessary to relate yourself to the formless intelligence in a harmonious way.

To secure this harmonious relationship is a matter of such primary and vital importance that I will give some space to its discussion here. I will give you instructions which, if you follow them, will be certain to bring you into a perfect unity of mind with God.

The whole process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word: gratitude.

First, you believe that there is one intelligent substance from which all things proceed. Secondly, you believe that this substance gives you everything you desire. And, thirdly, you relate yourself to it through a feeling of deep and profound gratitude.

Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude. Having received one gift from God, they cut the wires which connect them with Him by failing to make acknowledgment.

It is easy to understand that the nearer we live to the source of wealth, the more wealth we shall receive. It is also easy to understand that a soul that is always grateful lives in closer touch with God than one who never looks to Him in thankful acknowledgment.

When good things come to us, the more gratefully we fix our mind on the Supreme Power, the more good things we will receive - and the more rapidly they will come. The reason for this is simply that the mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into closer touch with the source from which the blessings come.

Wallace D. Wattles

Friday, February 1, 2008


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